What are we learning about this term?

Unlocking potential in all, empowering a community of hope. As an inclusive Christian community, we work towards unlocking the potential in all and empowering a community of hope. We seek to achieve this by providing a safe, inspiring and creative learning environment where all can flourish. Our successes are built on the foundation of our shared values and our consistently high expectations. Through challenge and support, we strive for excellence in all we do.


Our four golden threads are woven throughout everything we do at St Peter’s. They form our key curriculum drivers, giving our curriculum a clear and cohesive intent.

  1. Values –St Peter’s curriculum is a values-based curriculum where values are modelled, interwoven and celebrated throughout the school day, constantly underpinning our thinking and behaviour.
  2. Inspiration –Our curriculum thrives on enriching children through a variety of inspiring experiences, such as immersive environments, wow days, learning exhibitions, workshops, visitors and visits to provide all of our children with the experiences that they wouldn’t otherwise receive. We have a broad portfolio of extra-curricular clubs which are well attended across the full scope of the school.
  3. Community – At St Peter’s we aim to be the beacon of hope in our diverse, inclusive community, supporting children and families to unlock their full potential through school community projects, educational training sessions and signposting to supportive groups. Our community encompasses a vast variety of cultures and beliefs and as a school we work hard to include everyone! We enhance our school curriculum by embracing the learning opportunities and resources within our inner-city community.
  4. Excellence –At St Peter’s we have high expectations for all and constantly strive to unlock the potential of our school community. Our children are able to achieve through our ambitious and cohesively planned curriculum, balancing knowledge and skill development in all areas in order to excel.


What are we learning about this term?




Nursery curriculum newsletter – Autumn term 2024



Reception curriculum newsletter – Autumn term 2024

Year 1

Autumn – Why was Lincoln Castle built on a hill?

Y1 curriculum newsletter – Autumn term 2024


Spring – Which development in transport was the most important to society? Why?



Summer – Why does a giraffe live in Kenya and not the North Pole?



Year 2

Autumn -How is life different in Australia compared to the UK?

Y2 curriculum newsletter 1 – Autumn term 2024

Y2 curriculum newsletter 2 – Autumn term 2024


Spring – Monarchy and The Great Fire of London
Which monarch will be remembered most in history? Why? Why was the fire so damaging?



Summer – How and why have seaside holidays changed over the years?



Year 3

Autumn – Which changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age were most significant?

Y3 curriculum newsletter – Autumn term 2024


Spring – Does it matter where you live?



Summer – How did the Romans impact the history of Lincoln?



Year 4

Autumn – What impact did the Anglo-Saxons have on life in Britain?

Y4 curriculum newsletter – Autumn term 2024

Spring – Should humans be allowed to cut down the rainforest for its resources?



Summer – Did the pyramids or the River Nile play the more important role in Egyptian society?



Year 5

Autumn – Is calling the Vikings vicious killers and thieves fair?

Y5 curriculum newsletter 1 – Autumn term 2024

Y5 curriculum newsletter 2 – Autumn term 2024



Spring – Does the movement of the Earth’s plates just cause problems?



Summer – What lasting impact did the Ancient Greeks make on the world?



Year 6

Autumn – Does anyone actually ‘win’ a war?

Y6 curriculum newsletter 1 – Autumn term 2024

Y6 curriculum newsletter 2 – Autumn term 2024


Spring – What was life like at the height of the Maya civilisation?


Summer – Are rivers and coastal areas a benefit or hindrance to society?





Knowledge Organisers

Each term, we send home the knowledge organisers that we are using in each class across school. These are created by our subject leaders, working closely with class teachers. Knowledge organisers are a learning tool that we use at St Peter at Gowts CE Primary School to help show children the bigger picture of what they will be learning during the term. Some topics can be complicated, so having the essential knowledge, vocabulary, clear diagrams and explanations on one page is proving to be of great support in class. Teachers set ‘flashback’ tasks as part of the children’s weekly homework and sending home the knowledge organisers will provide little reminders to support children at home.
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