
Values Intent Statement:

At St Peter at Gowts, our values curriculum is inspiring and creative unlocking potential in all. Our curriculum seeks to ensure that all pupils flourish through challenge, support and a broad and balanced curriculum rooted in shared values and consistently high expectations while striving for excellence.

St Peter’s values curriculum is fashioned through our golden threads of values, inspiration, excellence and community.

At St Peter’s, we believe that strong Christian Values are central to everything we do in school. As shared in our Christian vision, we want to inspire a community of hope and our success are built on the foundation of our shared values. We want all children at St Peter’s to learn about each value based in biblical teaching and then using what they have learnt to impact their own lives, the lives of their family and friends and the wider community too. As our children leave this school, we want them to have a strong set of values at their core which will enable them to make a difference to the world around them and enable them to unlock their full potential


Values – Our values curriculum has been written and developed to ensure that the values are first rooted in biblical teaching and lead children to think about how they can inspire and impact the community. The children build on prior knowledge and develop a deeper understanding, learning to debate and explore questions using theP4C approach. The curriculum allows the children to reach their full potential with high expectations and a focus on community.

Inspirational – Our inspiring values curriculum constantly challenges the children to develop their understanding of the value and how they can impact the world around them. Social action projects and courageous advocacy are encouraged with an emphasis on child led ideas and projects thinking about local and wider communities.

Community – Our values curriculum leads the children to think about the school community, local community and then the wider community and how they can use what they have learnt to impact the world around them. We want all of our children to be #StewardsofStPeter’s.

Excellence-  Our cohesively planned values curriculum allows all children to think about how they can make a difference in the world and encourages them to think deeper and understand others view points.


Values implementation:

Our values curriculum is implemented through bible based knowledge and teaching that then develops the children into thinking about how they can show the value themselves, in the school, local and wider community. All learning is personalised to meet the needs of all learners at St Peter’s. Personalisation include the use of adaptive teaching, links to the community and our locality and purposeful cross curricular links, which are planned and timely to support and strengthen learning.

  • Values are taught on a two year rotation cycle. Lessons are linked to the collective worships and values are also caught in ‘action’ across the school.
  • As children revisit the values every two years, they build on prior knowledge and develop deeper thinking skills using new bible stories and developing skills using the philosophy for children approach. This is heavily supported by our spiral curriculum, with built in flashbacks to aid retention.
  • Teachers plan a sequential journey of learning using the curriculum but begin by assessing what the children already know about the value so they can develop their ideas leading to deeper thinking with high expectations.
  • The values folders will reflect the learning journey in the classroom and also ‘values in action’ as we expect children’s behaviour and actions to be impacted across all areas of the school as an impact of values teaching.
  • Assessment of values based knowledge and the application of values happens on a lesson-by-lesson basis and this information is used to inform future lessons and identify ‘high flyers’ in particular strands of values, and any children that may require additional support.

Values impact:

As our children transition to secondary school, our aspirations for all children is that they will have developed a very strong set of core values that are rooted in biblical teaching. Their thoughts, behaviours and actions will be driven by these values and they will actively want to make a positive impact on the world around them. The values taught at St Peter’s will be the golden thread that runs through their lives as they grow into adults, who continue to unlock their own potential and empower others.

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