PSHE & RSE intent:

At St Peter at Gowts, our PSHE/RSE curriculum is inspiring and creative, unlocking potential in all. Our curriculum seeks to ensure that all pupils flourish through challenge, support and a broad and balanced curriculum rooted in shared values and consistently high expectations while striving for excellence.

The St Peter’s PSHE/RSE curriculum is fashioned through our golden threads of values, inspiration, excellence and community.

At St Peter at Gowts, we aim to provide our children with a deeply embedded RSE (Relationship and Sex education) and PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) which enables our children to develop knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to unlock their potential. We strive for excellence for all and we want the children to feel happy as individuals, family members and within the community, both now and in the future. By providing an inspirational PSHE education, which is reflective of our children’s needs, we aim to ensure that all of our children leave primary school feeling confident in themselves, are able to keep themselves safe and are able to thrive in an ever changing, complex world.

Values –  PSHE/RSE learning is taught with constant reference to our school values and British Values. This ensures that children are able to make connections and put into action how they can keep positive relationships, look after their mental well-being and how to thrive in a community and keep themselves safe.

Inspirational –  Our PSHE/RSE curriculum ensures that children are inspired to achieve their full potential. By understanding themselves and others around them in the community, children are giving the skills to build their confidence and self-worth.

Community –  PSHE/RSE gives children the skills and knowledge to be able to thrive in a community and to help others achieve this too. PSHE/RSE gives the children the opportunity to learn how to minimise risk in situations, therefore being able to keep themselves and others safe.

Excellence-  Our cohesively planned PSHE/RSE curriculum and enrichment opportunities allow all to achieve and prepares children for the changes and challenges that they face in the world ahead of them.


PSHE & RSE implementation:

Our PSHE/RSE curriculum is built around the PSHE Association resources (for Y1-Y6) and enhanced and personalised to meet the needs of all learners at St Peter’s. Enhancements and personalisation include the use of adaptive teaching, links to the community and our locality and purposeful cross curricular links, which are planned and timely to support and strengthen learning. Our St Peter’s EYFS Curriculum linked to PSHE/RSE relates to the objectives as set out in the Early Learning Goals, with clear progression from our littlest of learners (aged 2) to our end of Reception children.

  • KS1 follow the Zippy’s Friends scheme and KS2 follow the PSHE Association. If there are any other topics that KS1 need to follow as part of the new statutory guidance, then KS1 follow the PSHE association scheme to complement Zippy’s Friends.
  • PSHE is timetabled weekly in KS1 and KS2. Philosophy for Children approaches are used during these sessions too.
  • Our spiral curriculum is progressive in skills and knowledge with key vocabulary underpinning topics, which is subsequently built upon through topics and year groups.
  • Key areas of learning are revisited regularly and links are made within and between topics, which supports our children’s learning through spaced repetition and learning flashbacks.
  • Teachers plan a sequential journey of learning using progression grids which are used to support the assessment of children, ensuring appropriate next small steps of learning are planned for.
  • All learners are supported through appropriate support and stretch challenges based on assessment for learning, to ensure the needs of all learners are met.
  • Assessment of skills and knowledge happens on a lesson-by-lesson basis and this information is used to inform future lessons and identify ‘high flyers’ in particular strands of PSHE, and any children that may require additional support.
  • Enrichment opportunities are used to help support the learning of PSHE, such as trips to the fire station and visits from the police community safety officer, as well as visits from outside agencies to deliver talks on drugs and alcohol and transitioning from primary to secondary school.
  • In KS1 and KS2, the classrooms have a well-being area with worry monsters where children can put forward any other questions they may have about the topic, which can be addressed later with the children at another appropriate time.
  • A variety of books are used for teaching PSHE, which reflect many of the new RSE objectives. These are also used across the curriculum too.
  • Parents and carers are consulted on any statutory framework changes linked to RSE. They are always made aware of sensitive topics that are being addressed in class and are giving the opportunity to look at resources beforehand.
  • Local and wider career opportunities are celebrated and explored throughout school.

PSHE & RSE impact:

By the end of Y6 transitioning to secondary school, we aspire that all learners will have developed a deep understanding of themselves and others, both in their communities and around the world. We want all children to be well equipped on their journey to the world of work and life in modern Britain. The PSHE/RSE curriculum gives the children the skills needed to keep themselves safe in an ever-changing world.

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