
Music Intent Statement:

At St Peter at Gowts, our music curriculum is inspiring and creative unlocking potential in all. Our curriculum seeks to ensure that all pupils flourish through challenge, support and a broad and balanced curriculum rooted in shared values and consistently high expectations while striving for excellence.

St Peter’s music curriculum is fashioned through our golden threads of values, inspiration, excellence and community.

We love music at St Peter’s! As musicians we develop our creativity, imagination and good listening skills. Through a cohesively planned curriculum we will inspire our children, develop their skills in constructive criticism and give them the ability to express personal thoughts and feelings. Music develops children’s ability to take part in practical activities, both individually and in groups. With the school being sat in the cultural heart of Lincoln, music is a key tool for developing cultural capital and a sense of community. Children are encouraged to explore different genres and music diversity throughout their lessons. The music curriculum provides breadth and balance, is relevant and engaging to match the needs and abilities of children. Our music provision is ambitious, fun and varied. It is used as a teaching tool, a support for language acquisition and to aid routines throughout the school, especially in the early years. Through our music curriculum, we strive to inspire children, develop a life-long love of music and develop musical skills and knowledge.

Our four key threads weave through everything we do at St Peter’s :

Values – Our music curriculum embraces our school and British values through exposure to different cultures and genres of music. We teach children to listen and appraise music and musicians throughout different time periods. Through our music lessons, children learn how to be tolerant and develop their individual liberty. Lessons are a safe space where children can discuss their likes and dislikes using musical vocabulary, sharing their thoughts with their peers. These skills are deep rooted with respect and give children vital tools.

Inspirational – Our inspiring music curriculum gives children musical opportunities which they would otherwise not experience. We offer children the opportunity to master and progress within the woodwind family of instrument. They begin with toots in year 2 and 3, progressing to clarinets for our year 4, 5 and 6 children. We also offer instrumental lessons and an award winning choir after school club. Our music curriculum is accessible to all of our pupils, including our EAL pupils, and we embrace our children’s cultural capital by exposing our children to music from all around the world.

Excellence- Our cohesively planned music curriculum and enrichment opportunities allow for all pupils to develop their skills and knowledge of music. Our music curriculum is progressive and upon leaving St Peter’s we strive for our children to be well rounded musicians.

Community – Our music curriculum embraces the cultures and locality of our local community. With so many different languages spoken within the school, we pride ourselves on learning songs in different languages and exposing our children to songs from around the world. As a school within the heart of the city, we sing in our local nursing homes, churches and High Street.

Music implementation:

Our Music curriculum is built around the Kapow scheme of work (for Y1-Y6) and enhanced and personalised to meet the needs of all learners at St Peter’s. Enhancements and personalisation includes the use of adaptive teaching, links to the community and our locality and purposeful cross curricular links, which are planned and timely to support and strengthen learning. Music in EYFS is underpinned by the Expressive Arts and Design objectives as set out in our personalised EYFS Curriculum. Our St Peter’s EYFS Curriculum relates to the objectives as set out in the Early Learning Goals, with clear progression from our littlest of learners (aged 2) to our end of Reception children.

  • Music is delivered weekly across the school, with multiple opportunities to explore and play instruments.
  • Caterpillar Music teach music in EYFS. The fun and engaging sessions support children’s early musical development, appreciation and enjoyment of different sounds and instruments.
  • Alongside class teachers, Lincolnshire Music Service teach music from Year 1 through to Year 6. They offer music tuition at a high class level, where the children develop their knowledge and skills within a small range of instruments throughout their time within the school, including toots and clarinets.
  • Music is progressive in skills and knowledge and in line with the Model Music Curriculum and ‘Striking the Right Note’ ( a recent subject report).
  • Through the teaching of music, children are taught key vocabulary and skills which develop year on year. This is also mirrored within lessons
  • delivered by Music Service.
  • Enrichment opportunities are frequent and carefully placed throughout the year. These include church servcies, Young Voices, the world’s largest choir, nativities, Lincolnshire Music and Drama Festival, end of year productions and so many more.
  • Extra-curricular opp
  • ortunities are available for all children,. These include; choir, music club and music lessons (piano, emsemble and singing).
  • Music is a key part of our collective worship and the children enjoy singing a variety of songs, including those from various genres and origins.
  • Opportunities for parents, carers and the wider community to watch and join in with music are also embedded into our school. These include our church services and the spring musical event.
  • To inspire the next generation of musicians, local and wider career opportunities celebrated and explored throughout school.

Music impact:

As a musician leaving St Peter’s, we aspire that all learers will have a love of music. They will have developed key skills, such as creativity, imagination and confidence, which will not only support them within music but also across all areas of their learning. We hope the children will appreciate and listen to music from around the world and have a strong foundations to build upon moving into Key Stage 3.


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