Years 5 and 6

In UKS2, we begin every morning with a CLIC, arithmetic or timetables sessions. CLIC sessions (from Big Maths) help us build up our basic maths skills, focusing on our Counting, Learn Its, It’s Nothing New and Calculation. We then move onto Power Maths. Throughout the session, we enter the ‘Discover’ stage where we explore a problem using resources and our prior knowledge, before moving into our ‘Think Together Stage’. When we are feeling confident, we will begin work in our practice books – if we need a little bit of extra support, we know we can use our resources, use a ‘scaffold’ sheet, or ask a friend or adult to help us a little bit more. When we are super confident and complete our practice book lesson, we can access a ‘Diving Deeper Challenge’ – these are an extra challenge, usually focused on reasoning or problem-solving to make our brains think even harder and make connections and links in our learning.

After maths, we move onto reading and spelling. We begin the week with a whole class skill focused session, which is followed up with small group reading sessions throughout the week. Daily spelling sessions take place on weekly rules/spelling patterns using the Active Spelling approach. Sessions are fun and interactive with games and strategies to help remember and apply spelling rules.


We move onto English after playtime. We use Talk for Writing which helps us to ‘say it before we write it’. Through fun activities, we explore stories and vocabulary and work with our teachers and friends in shared writing sessions.  We really enjoying working with high quality texts, images and films. We get lots of opportunities to apply our skills and knowledge of writing and grammar when writing for a variety of audiences and purposes within English and across the curriculum.

In the afternoons, we explore lots more exciting subjects, including science, computing and art, where we learn a wide variety of skills and knowledge. Our teachers make lots of links between our learning in different subjects and topics which helps us to remember what we have learnt.


To find out more about the Year 5 National Curriculum, please click here

To find out more about the Year 6 National Curriculum, please click here

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